
Once a model is deployed, it is important to monitor its statistical performance. Machine learning can break quietly; a model can continue returning predictions without error, even if it is performing poorly. Often these quiet performance problems are discussed as types of model drift; data drift can occur when the statistical distribution of an input feature changes, or concept drift occurs when there is change in the relationship between the input features and the outcome.

Without monitoring for degradation, this silent failure can continue undiagnosed. The vetiver framework offers functions to fluently compute, store, and plot model metrics. These functions are particularly suited to monitoring your model using multiple performance metrics over time. Effective model monitoring is not “one size fits all”, but instead depends on choosing appropriate metrics and time aggregation for a given application.

Build a model

Show the code from previous steps

model_board <- board_folder(path = "pins-r")
v <- vetiver_pin_read(model_board, "cars_mpg")
Show the code from previous steps
from vetiver import VetiverModel
from pins import board_folder

model_board = board_folder("pins-py", allow_pickle_read=True)
v = VetiverModel.from_pin(model_board, "cars_mpg")

Compute metrics

Let’s say we collect new data on fuel efficiency in cars and we want to monitor the performance of our model over time.

When a model is deployed, new data comes in over time, even if time is not a feature for prediction. Even if your model does not explicitly use any dates as features, changes (or “drift”) in your machine learning system mean that your model performance can change with time.

How does my model use time?
  • Your model sometimes uses date-time quantities as features for prediction.
  • Monitoring always involves a date-time quantity, not necessarily as a feature, but as a dimension along which you are monitoring.

We can compute multiple metrics at once over a certain time aggregation.

cars <- read_csv("")
original_cars <- slice(cars, 1:14)

original_metrics <-
    augment(v, new_data = original_cars) %>%
    vetiver_compute_metrics(date_obs, "week", mpg, .pred)

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  .index        .n .metric .estimator .estimate
  <date>     <int> <chr>   <chr>          <dbl>
1 2022-03-24     7 rmse    standard       4.03 
2 2022-03-24     7 rsq     standard       0.544
3 2022-03-24     7 mae     standard       3.05 
4 2022-03-31     7 rmse    standard       5.69 
5 2022-03-31     7 rsq     standard       0.651
6 2022-03-31     7 mae     standard       3.95 
import vetiver

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import metrics
from datetime import timedelta

cars = pd.read_csv("")
original_cars = cars.iloc[:14, :].copy()
original_cars["preds"] = v.model.predict(
    original_cars.drop(columns=["date_obs", "mpg"])

metric_set = [metrics.mean_absolute_error, metrics.mean_squared_error, metrics.r2_score]

td = timedelta(weeks=1)

original_metrics = vetiver.compute_metrics(

       index  n               metric   estimate
0 2022-03-24  7  mean_absolute_error   3.564286
1 2022-03-24  7   mean_squared_error  14.804849
2 2022-03-24  7             r2_score   0.226989
3 2022-03-31  7  mean_absolute_error   1.844513
4 2022-03-31  7   mean_squared_error   6.376873
5 2022-03-31  7             r2_score   0.811105

You can specify which metrics to use for monitoring, and even provide your own custom metrics. You can choose appropriate metrics for what matters in your use case.

Pin metrics

The first time you pin monitoring metrics, you can write to a board as normal.

model_board %>% pin_write(original_metrics, "tree_metrics")
model_board.pin_write(original_metrics, "tree_metrics", type = "csv")

However, when adding new metrics measurements to your pin as you continue to gather new data and monitor, you may have dates that overlap with those already in the pin, depending on your monitoring strategy. You can choose how to handle overlapping dates with the overwrite argument.

# dates overlap with existing metrics:
new_cars <- slice(cars, -1:-7)
new_metrics <-
    augment(v, new_data = new_cars) %>%
    vetiver_compute_metrics(date_obs, "week", mpg, .pred)

model_board %>%
    vetiver_pin_metrics(new_metrics, "tree_metrics", overwrite = TRUE)
# dates overlap with existing metrics:
new_cars = cars.iloc[7:, :].copy()
new_cars["preds"] = v.model.predict(
    new_cars.drop(columns=["date_obs", "mpg"])

new_metrics = vetiver.compute_metrics(
    data = new_cars, 
    date_var = "date_obs", 
    period = td, 
    metric_set = metric_set, 
    truth = "mpg", 
    estimate = "preds"
    overwrite = True

Plot metrics

You can visualize your set of computed metrics and your model’s performance1.

monitoring_metrics <- model_board %>% pin_read("tree_metrics")
vetiver_plot_metrics(monitoring_metrics) +
    scale_size(range = c(2, 4))

monitoring_metrics = model_board.pin_read("tree_metrics")
p = vetiver.plot_metrics(df_metrics = monitoring_metrics)

It doesn’t look like there is performance degradation in this small example. You can use these basic functions as composable building blocks for more sophisticated monitoring, including approaches such as equivocal zones or applicability domains.

Build a dashboard

The vetiver package provides an R Markdown template for creating a monitoring dashboard. The template automates extracting some information from your metrics, and provides a way to extend the dashboard for a custom monitoring implementation.


  1. Keep in mind that the R and Python models have different values for the decision tree hyperparameters.↩︎